Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a summer!!!

Boy we have been busy!!!!   We finished up the school year and started baseball season.  We had 3 playing this year.  We kept ds 2 on the same team as ds3 so we could cut down the travel time.  They all had a great year.  We finished up the year and had a fantastic week long vacation with some friends of ours.  Our boys go to school together and they teach at the school with my husband.  It was one of those spur of the moment vacations that turned out to be the best thing ever..... We hardly left the campground.  It was great time for all ages 1 to 47.   I highly suggest Yogi Bear Campgrounds they rock...

Next we had the fair, which the kids did great.  Then VBS and my nieces wedding, then back into school.  I started back at school as the salad bar attendent in the kitchen instead of the baker.  Then God answered a lot of prayers and brought me my dream job.   I am now the city collector for our small town.   I have flexible hours so if I need to get off for the kids I can, better money and in town so there is not travel time, extra gas, no dress clothes, it has been wonderful.....

Well that is our summer in a nut shell.

Blessings and Prayers to all.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God does answer prayers

Well life has been busy lately.  I have been on several interviews lately, they have all been good, hopefully will hear something this week.   We have a friend that has been in the hospital, so we have been doing a lot of praying, and God has answered them.  He is doing amazing.  We are gearing up for baseball season.  I found some cleats for the little boys, need to find some for my oldest.   This is going to be a busy summer with ballgames, fair and we hope camping......


Friday, March 18, 2011

What a week around here.  Monday night there were 2 wrecks about the same time both involving people from our community.  There were deaths involved in both accidents, and one was from our community.  It was a 19 year old girl that graduated last year.  I didn't know her personally, I knew her parents and one of her sister's was friends with my daughter.   We just got home from her funeral, a very beautiful service for a very passionate girl who loved the lord.  I just pray that someday I will have the same passion and relationship she did.    Live, Laugh and Love everyday.......Live with God in your heart, Laugh with your heart, and Love each other.

Make sure everyone you come in contact knows you love them, and hug your children everyday.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picnic time

Finally back into our routine around here, everyone is back in school (for now, expecting more snow next week).  Well I go the news yesterday that I did not get the job I was wanting.  Oh, well God has bigger plans for me, I just have to sit and wait for it to arrive.  I am still applying to tons of jobs, God wants me to do some of the work.....

We had a busy weekend of ballgames for my oldest son.  We went to a small and i mean small town south of here for a tournament.  We took a cooler of food because we wouldn't have time to go eat at the closest town between games.  We actually did and ran to McD, we found out we would have more games so it worked out we would need the food for later.   We didn't end up having games, the refs quit before the last game.  We made the best of it thought, on our way home we stopped at a park and had a picnic and let the kids play for awhile.  It was so great to be outside and enjoy the sunshine............posted some pictures of our fun in the sun.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I was doing really good until.........the SNOW!!!!!!

I was doing so good getting a routine set in finding time to exercise and spend time with GOD.  Until last 
week.  On Saturday we were enjoying 70 degree weather, then on Tuesday morning it began snowing and did not stop until Wednesday morning.  Then on Friday it started again. We probably have about 20 inches of snow, they kids have been out of school for a week and starting on the second week.  Due to such deep
 snow on unpaved roads we probably will not be back this week. And they are saying more tomorrow, another 3-6 inches.  I have managed to keep my sanity to a point.  I have cooked non stop I am slowly running out of food.  Today I had 5 extra kids at home, for a total of 9 kids and will have them again tomorrow.  I will try to post pictures of the snow.  Also still trying to find a job.  Pray they call soon.

12:00 Fri Morning
Snow at 10:30 Tue Morning

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 2 of snow days at the house.  I cooked almost all day yesterday, homemade biscuits, bread and pizza.  Today I am not cooking.  They are going to have to fend for themselves......HAHAHA   They really want to do sledding but we have to go to his cousins house to do it and I don't know if I want to dig out clothes and drive clear over there to freeze.     Just might enjoy a slow uneventful day at home with everyone.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Still looking for a job

Didn't get the job I applied for, so I am still looking.   I have spend a majority of the day applying for jobs.  I really want to change my career path.  I have taken care of children and now I am ready to do something with my degree.  I have a business degree and I am ready to use it.    So I am on the look out for a new career.  I have gave it all over to God and he will bring the perfect job.   Just wish we had the same time frame.